Helps Internal Organs
At Q Sciences we have a Naturopathic Doctor and Board Certified- MD as our product developer. He also happens to be the previous Editor in Chief from WebMD until a few years ago. Dr. Kimberly left WebMD to Partner with Q Sciences in order to create new and improved innovative supplements that are able to be easily absorbed into our bodies and are clean from GMO's and all typical allergens. Most of the supplements are vegan with exception to our collagen and whey protein (which can't be made vegan).
While he was out researching all of the products on the market over the years to analyze and compare them, Dr. Kimberly got fed up after realizing that most of supplements on the market are ineffective because they can't get fully absorbed into our bodies to work as they should. Not to mention all of the low quality ingredients and fillers added to try and cut costs, so even if some of the nutrients manage to get absorbed they more than likely won't provide much benefit.
Let me back up for a second... Did you know that... Only about 10% of most powder and pill form supplements get absorbed in to our bodies? What the heck??!?!? All nutrients that are unable to get properly broken down and utilized by our bodies end up getting excreted and flushed.
Q Sciences goes above and beyond to create top quality supplements that are highly absorbable by our bodies and actually improving the every day lives of so many by helping them feel better and more energized and help to eliminate some of those annoying health issues that tend to creep up as we mature.
Rest assured...You are getting a superior quality product and it is definitely worth any price to know you are getting supplements that actually work as they say they do. The prices get even better if you choose to get the 25% discount with a Preferred Customer Membership.
Collagen is the most abundant proteins in our bodies. It is in all of our connective tissues and is basically what holds everything in our bodies in place. We produce this protein naturally, but in our late twenties we start to produce less and less collagen. We start losing about 1% collagen per year after our twenties. This is what causes all of the sagging throughout our bodies as we age. Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin, hair, and nails nice and healthy along with all of our inside organs too.
High Quality Ingredients- Medical Grade Collagen Peptides are used.
We use the same medical grade collagen peptides used in hospitals and ICU environments in feeding tubes. You shouldn’t trust just anyone to when it comes to your bodies health.
Do your research and make sure you are getting highest quality supplements and ingredients--> with maximum absorption. High quality is most important to Q Sciences and that’s why they spared no expenses when it comes to quality because they know that family comes first.
Pure Collagen Sources: We use peptides from a variety of pure sources. Sourced from bovine and chicken sternum free from all hormones, cholesterol, and yes, even horse hooves. That means cruelty free collagen
Q Sciences uses Hydrolyzed collagen Molecules in their natural state.
Collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed properly by our bodies, but...
Through hydrolysis, collagen fibers are broken down into small chains of amino acids, also known as collagen peptides. Research shows that peptides are easier to penetrate the bloodstream and become part of our dermis thus producing healthier skin cells.
Powder forms of collagen are okay, they are just more difficult to absorb because the molecule size can't be regulated, so a very high percentage of it gets left unabsorbed by your body and gets flushed down the drain.
Molecule size plays a big role in our bodies ability to absorb and utilize the proteins. We have researched and formulated a new way to be able change the liquid collagen molecules to the exact size needed to best be absorbed and utilized by our bodies.
No powder form can offer that important benefit. This technology offers maximum absorption of the collagen into our bodies instantly.
For connective
tissue support
For elasticity and mobility
For muscle growth and circulation
For healthy eyes, hair, and nails
fully supported collagen matrix foundation
Turn back time with collagen peptides designed for head-to-toe anti-aging support. This naturally derived collagen blend promotes
Quantities Limited
$90 Wholesale price
Only $10 once a year for Preferred Customer Membership savings of 25%
and you save $15 on every bottle purchased all year
Turn back time with collagen peptides designed for head-to-toe antiaging support. This naturally derived collagen blend promotes
Reach your fitness potential with collagen peptides designed for agility, mobility, athletic performance, and recovery.
Quantities Limited
$95 Wholesale price
Only $10 once a year for Preferred Customer Membership savings of 25%
and you save $15 on every bottle purchased all year
This head-to-toe topical skin treatment is designed to address signs of aging, sun damage, scars, and stretch marks. Our hydrolyzed collagen peptides are medical grade and designed for maximum results.*
Retail Price $65
Wholesale Price $55
Quantities Limited
Overnight Gold Night Repair Cream W/ Colloidal Gold for skin tightening
Wake up looking younger. This anti-aging overnight treatment is designed to help skin repair while you sleep. Our hydrolyzed collagen peptides are medical grade and designed for maximum results.*
Retail Price $75
Wholesale Price $65
Quantities Limited
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Fight skin aging – research shows that collagen in the body can be broken down into smaller pieces, which are then used by skin cells as they develop. Collagen peptides help stimulate new skin growth, increase cell turnover and reduce the number of dead skin cells on your face. Collagen peptides also help slow the aging of your skin.
Boosts Your Immune System- Collagen, a structural protein in our bodies, provides many benefits for health and wellness. It builds antibodies, keeps us strong, builds the bones and teeth and is a great natural anti-aging ingredient.
Helps Relieve Joint Pain – When you consume collagen, your body begins to produce more of it, which helps rebuild damaged joints which eases the pain associated with the damage. Collagen also helps you maintain strong bones, skin, and nails.
Prevents Bone Loss – Bones and cartilage are primarily composed of collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body. When the body doesn’t make enough of this protein, it can result in disorders like osteoporosis. That’s why consuming collagen supplements is a good way to prevent bone loss.
Promotes Heart Health – The collagen in your body is responsible for giving it strength, flexibility and resilience. However, too little collagen means arteries can become fragile and weaker. As a result, the arteries may narrow and harden, contributing to hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
Collagen is a protein that supports tissues such as skin, ligaments and tendons. It helps give them strength and flexibility.
Hair and Nails Health – Hair and Nails Health – Taking collagen increases the strength of your nails leaving them less brittle. Additionally, it may stimulate Longer and faster hair and nail growth. Collagen, one of the major protein components of hair and nails, is a powerful building block in the formation of nails, hair and other tissues, including bone. The strength of your nails is increased with the use of collagen.
Promotes Gut health – Collagen is a protein that provides structural support and protection for the body. It also promotes healthy cell renewal and tissue growth. Because it is a natural substance, collagen can be found in food sources. However, collagen supplements are available to help support your gut health. It can be found in the skin, tendons, bone, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, fascia, and tendons. Health practitioners promote using collagen supplements to treat intestinal permeability, or leaky gut syndrome. This condition occurs when the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged. Leaky gut syndrome results in an increase of intestinal permeability. This allows toxins, bacteria, and undigested food particles to pass through the lining of the intestine and into the bloodstream. This can have detrimental effects on overall health and immunity. Collagen is a natural substance that provides structural support and protection for the body.
Repair - Collagen is a protein that allows your body to repair itself, maintain the structural integrity of your organs, and keep them working properly.
Collagen provides structure to your arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. In fact, collagen is a major component of your arteries, veins, ligaments, bones, skin, teeth, and your connective tissue, including tendons, muscles, and the fluid in joints.
Collagen plays a key role in maintaining the health of every part of the body – even our eyes, skin, muscles, bone and blood vessels. And it’s not just the tissues that are important here, it's also the joints.
Side Effects – currently, there are not any reported side effects for the top rated collagen supplements.
Reach your fitness potential with collagen peptides designed for agility, mobility, athletic performance, and recovery.
You get what you pay for... most brands are selling a powder or pill form that is inferior and not able to be absorbed easily by our bodies.
These are actual pictures of some our team members who have taken pictures along their journey's with our collagen supplements. Many of these pictures were taken within 7-30 days of each other. This supplement has only been out since September of 2021 and we still have more amazing results coming in every day!
20 Proven Techniques To Prevent & Reverse The Signs Of Aging